How to Develop Creativity

The harder you try to be creative, like trying to squeeze water, the more infuriatingly impossible it often becomes. Creativity is one of those elusive things that cannot be forced but it can be encouraged.

While the right side of the brain has traditionally been associated with creative thought, recent brain scans show that creative thinking involves the entire brain via the associative cortex. The frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes of the brain contain the associative cortex, which connects senses, emotions, logic, social abilities, language skills, memories, movement, and thoughts in potentially novel ways.


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You use your associative-creative brain every day, even if you aren't aware of it. For example, it allows you to recall the flavor of apple pie when you see a picture of one, or it recreates the thunder of a train when you read about one. While some people are naturally more imaginative than others, extraordinary creativity can be developed and encouraged.

Creativity, unlike conscious thought, necessitates letting go, relaxing, and allowing ideas to flow freely without censorship, judgment, or comparison. Being creative involves a different mental state than the alert, waking state, in which logical reasoning is suspended and the mind is open to new perceptions.

Sondra Kornblatt offers the following advice from scientists, writers, and coaches in her book, A Better Brain at Any Age: The Holistic Way to Improve Your Memory, Reduce Stress, and Sharpen Your Wits:

  • Boredom will set in. Reduce your entertainment options, including television, the internet, computers, video games, and movies. Boredom motivates your brain to work harder.
  • Dive right in. This is the inverse of the previous. Read as much as you can. Go to art museums. Play some music. Get motivated.
  • Make it a habit. Incorporate creative time into your daily routine. Do something you're interested in every day and make it a habit.
  • Make a creative space for yourself. Having a studio or a corner where you can easily access the tools you need, display your work, and affirm your artistry will help it flourize.
  • Meditate. Meditation strengthens neural connections, aids memory retrieval, generates new associations, reduces anxiety, and removes emotional blocks, thereby enhancing creativity.
  • Anxiety about honor Allow anxiety to change your perspective and cause you to question your habits, but don't let it halt the process.
  • Make an error of judgement. By making a mistake, you can relieve any perfectionist pressure. A mistake adds character and enjoyment to the creation process.
  • Get up and move around. The brain's movement layer is also involved in thinking and emotions. Movement frees your mind. Take a break and stretch, exercise, or have sex.
  • Let go. Allow yourself to let go of old habits and embrace new perspectives. Break free from your routine. Use your nondominant hand to write. Make an attempt at something new. Be bizarre.
  • Reframe the issue. Consider looking at the problem from a different angle, such as above or below. Pose inquiries. Be curious.



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