7 Health Concerns You Should Not Ignore


When it comes to heart health, the American Heart Association warns that chest pain or discomfort in one or both arms can be a sign of a heart problem and that you should see a doctor immediately. Although chest pain is obvious, other symptoms can be subtle.


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Here are seven red flags that should raise an eyebrow.

The sensation of tears

You may think you've pulled a muscle if you feel a tearing sensation in your back. However, if you haven't done anything physical to cause a muscle injury, this sensation could be much more serious. It could be an aortic rupture. An aorta rupture can cause sudden, severe, stabbing pain in the back. Seek immediate medical attention if this type of pain lasts more than 20 minutes and is accompanied by nausea.

Chest pain that is crushing

Crushing chest pain, which is usually associated with a heart attack, is one of the more well-known warning signs. Tightness, heavy pressure, or squeezing in the chest are also signs of heart disease. The pain may spread to the arm, shoulder, and jaw.

  • Important: You should not ignore chest pain even if it is not caused by a heart attack. Crushing chest pain accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sweating is dangerous, so dial 911 immediately.

Pulsing sensations in the arms or other lower legs

A tingling sensation in your hands, arms, legs, or feet is not only unpleasant but also concerning. Tingling is easy to dismiss, but it is an indication of illness from the body.

  • Important: Tingling is associated with circulation issues and diseases such as anemia, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and Buerger's disease — an artery and vein condition. Tingling in the feet may also indicate kidney problems. If tingling is your only symptom, you can consult your primary care physician. A tingling sensation that lasts more than an hour and is accompanied by other symptoms such as dizziness and nausea, on the other hand, necessitates immediate medical attention.


Disturbances in the brain, gastrointestinal system, vision, or inner ear can all cause dizziness or lightheadedness. One of the most common symptoms that prompts people to seek medical attention is dizziness.

  • Important: Seek medical attention if you feel dizzy for more than an hour and develop other symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. High blood pressure, low blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid disease, anemia, dehydration, and heart conditions are all associated with dizziness.


Hot flashes, exercise, stress, excess weight, or even spicy food can all contribute to excessive sweating. Sweating excessively can also be a sign of thyroid problems, diabetes, or heart problems.

  • Important: If you're sweating more than usual, don't call 911; instead, see a doctor to rule out a serious underlying medical condition.


Numbness in the face, arms, or legs can be a warning sign of a stroke, especially if it occurs on only one side of the body. This symptom is sometimes accompanied by sudden confusion, difficulty speaking or understanding, and blurred vision.

  • Important: Numbness is linked to a number of other diseases, including Lyme disease, Guillain-Barre syndrome, diabetes, and a herniated disk. Numbness should always be investigated, regardless of the cause, and if it is accompanied by other symptoms of a stroke, call an ambulance immediately.


Swelling is typically caused by inflammation or fluid buildup and can be caused by a variety of conditions. Poor circulation is the most common cause of swollen feet or ankles. It could indicate that blood vessels in the elderly are weakening. It could also be the result of a blood clot obstructing the veins.

  • Important: Edema, which occurs when an abnormal amount of fluid accumulates in the body, is one of the more serious conditions associated with swelling. Edema can harm the heart, cause weakness when walking, and cause swollen ankles. Always look into the source of any swelling. Make an appointment with your doctor right away if you have swollen ankles.

Immediate Medical Attention

When serious health problems arise, an ambulance is the most expedient way to receive immediate treatment. At the scene and in the ambulance, emergency medical technicians can provide immediate care. If you drive yourself or someone else to the hospital, you may face an emergency room wait and lose valuable time.


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