Ways to Improve Your People Skills

As social beings, we rely on one another for mental, physical, and financial support. We are hardwired to crave human contact and are constantly looking for it through in-person and virtual interactions. While most of us are capable of engaging with others effectively, there are a few individuals who excel at it. These are the people who appear to effortlessly connect with those around them or to command a room with the vitality of their presence. They are the fortunate ones who possess the interpersonal skills required to achieve whatever they desire in life.

People skills are frequently learned behaviors that develop over time and with appropriate modeling.


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Work on becoming more outgoing to improve your people skills.

  • Observant. Being able to interpret people's attitudes and behaviors through careful observation.
  • Approachable. Assuming a welcoming, pleasant, and affable demeanor that encourages others to connect with you.
  • Confident. Possessing the self-assurance needed to interact with people in a variety of meaningful ways.
  • Enthusiastic. Taking an active interest in the people with whom you come into contact.
  • Understanding. Understanding and expressing compassion for the feelings and needs of others.
  • Caring. Demonstrating genuine concern for others and a willingness to assist them.
  • Attentive. Making others feel special by attending to their specific desires, comforts, and concerns
  • Trustworthy. Revealing to others that you are sincere, honest, and dependable, that you will not let them down.
  • Respectful. People should be treated with respect and consideration for their well-being.
  • Genuine. Presenting yourself to others as genuinely open and genuine, rather than phony.

Continue to focus your people skills by going through the following steps until they become second nature to you.

  1. Identify people in your environment who have exceptional people skills. Learn from them by observing how they interact with others in various situations.
  2. Adopt the techniques that best suit your needs and practice them until they become a natural part of your personality. Despite some "acting" in the early stages, be genuine before revealing them to others. Most people can tell when someone is being misleading.
  3. Individualize your interactions with others by taking into consideration their age, gender, culture, appearance, and nonverbal cues. Given these differences, be mindful of their attitude before approaching them. Measure the effect of your initial and following approach on the likelihood of a positive outcome. It is your responsibility to keep the exchange under control.
  4. Track your progress as a necessary step toward continuous improvement. Evaluate what went well and what did not go well for each significant encounter. Determine what you could have done better and apply it to the next opportunity. Make it a never-ending learning experience.



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